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Book Acknowlegements


Daniel J. Kennedy, Sr.

Dozens of friends, relatives, and perfect strangers have kindly shared their memories of Father Dan. This book would not exist without their contributions; Space does not permit identifying all but I am particularly appreciative for Father Matt Westcott’s willingness to contribute to the manuscript as well as his frequent reprimands for my propensity to procrastinate.

It is impossible for me to express the depth of my appreciation to so many of his friends who willingly shared their recollections. Your contributions enabled me to ‘show’ Father Dan from the prism of many eyes not just from the prejudicial eyes of his father. For everyone who shared their reminiscences’ THANK YOU.

Alice and I are extremely grateful to the parishioners of St. Edith Stein Parish in Brockton, St. Mary of the Nativity Parish in Scituate, and St. John the Evangelist Parish in Winthrop, and St. Brigid/Gate of Heaven Parishes in South Boston for the love they displayed and continue to display, for our son.

For their tireless work in assembling and critiquing the manuscript, I want to convey my deep gratitude Marguerite Cail and Ellen Curtin without whom this work would never have materialized.

When this project was not much more than a figment of my imagination, Scot Landry, enthusiastically encouraged me to pursue this goal. I want to thank Scot for his initial reaction of positivity and for his subsequent consultative discussions without which this work would not have been brought to fruition.

I also want to specifically thank Father Dan’s good friend, Billy Condron for sharing his personal recollection of Father Dan’s extensive discernment stratagem during a most critical point in his life.

Most importantly I want to publicly acknowledge my gratitude to the Holy Spirit who in no small way subtly sharpened my recollection faculties in order to include significant spiritual mile markers on Father Dan’s tortuous path to priesthood.

Of utmost importance was the tolerance of my family as they dealt with the ebb and flow of my emotions during this ongoing enterprise. Thank you for your patient endurance. I am grateful to my sister Judy, my daughter Katie, my son Jack and my granddaughter Ashley Tara Clare Kennedy for perusing preliminary manuscript drafts. I am also grateful to Patti, Anne Marie and Dave Russell for their constant support in keeping me focused as well as their unwavering efforts to perpetuate Danny’s memory.

Finally, even though she was unable to provide current input to the manuscript, I want to thank my lovely wife Alice for being a fabulous mother to our five children and for providing many years of invaluable input for all five of our children. Painstakingly, Alice imparted life’s lessons to all of us, especially to her redheaded son the recipient of her genuine interest in, and love for, the people of God. Although it may be a trite expression, it certainly does have application; our union was truly, a marriage made in heaven. Consequently, thank you, Jesus!

Lastly, it is also my hope that, someday, when my younger grandchildren are older; Celia E. and John B. Kennedy, and, Daniel Francis Russell will read this book and experience the depth of the love their Uncle Danny radiated for his friend, Jesus.

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© 2016 by Daniel J. Kennedy, Sr. and Scot Landry.  
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